Quick Web Tip: Call-to-actions: Visitors might be spending a lot of time at the top of your page, but are not ready to commit yet. How do you fix this? Add some persuasion further down the page.

Real Estate Tip: What’s the one area in your real estate business that if…..

You had MORE Training….

MORE Knowledge…..

MORE Sharpened skills and abilities….

Would make the biggest impact on your real estate business in 2019?

Watch more here

Hello dear friends and readers! This week at Cevado, we are all working hard on getting our brand new IDX ready to show everyone. Now, if you are not a real estate agent, then you might not be as thrilled as you would otherwise be. HOWEVER, if you are NOT a real estate agents, we would love your feedback too because you are probably, someday, eventually, going to be a client or a friend of, or a neighbor to, a nice real estate agent and we would love your feedback on this new endeavor as well!

So in light of this, I wanted to share a little story about Cevado with you.

The Story of the Mysterious Garbage Cans in the Morningbest real estate websites

Once upon a time at Cevado, the dedicated and loyal support staff showed up bright and early (ok, it was really just Jeff, who comes in at the ungodly hour of 6am, to get a jump start on tickets so everyone is happy and healthy all day, every day, in our little world of Cevado-land).

On this bright and cheerful morning – (ok, that’s another lie, it’s winter in Chelan so it’s really more gloomy and somewhat dull, but the lake and mountains are still a little cheerful no matter what time of year and we all count our blessings where we can.) – As I was saying, on this somewhat gloomy but still kind of cheerful morning, Jeff noticed with his eagle eyes as he walked into the large and lovely support room, that – ALL THE GARBAGE BINS BY EVERY SINGLE DESK WERE TIPPED OVER!!!!-

Shocked and aghast at the mysterious and wanton display of carnage, he immediately did what we would all do when faced with such a terrible sight – he sent a picture of the situation to our entire Cevado staff chat.

Meantime, the lovely and ethereal Vada (who, being a creative type and like many such, more of a night owl than a morning lark) was still fast asleep, getting her much-needed beauty rest in preparation for the day’s upcoming Herculean creative tasks. However, she heard the annoying “ping ping ping” as various and sundry staff members claimed to have no idea who among the team was responsible for such alarming wreckage. Finally, one of her beautiful eyes opened and she gasped as she awoke.

For Vada remembered that just last night, as she worked late, late late and long past the time that all other Cevado employees had wandered off into the robust and stimulating night-life of little Chelan, she had indeed unleashed her (also lovely) sidekick Clover, the Siberian husky with the mismatched eyes, who had wandered off for not some small duration of time, into the dusky hallways and open offices of the Cevado premises. Indeed, Clover evidently had a love of those little garbage bins and a strong and uncontrollable urge to knock them over to see what might be in them.

Quick and effusive was Vada’s apology, and quick and effusive was the staff’s assurances that Clover (or Vada) were not banished but still loved and cherished.

And such was the story of the mysterious garbage cans in the morning.

And on a more serious note, here’s a first look at some of our thoughts as we designed our new Cevado IDX!

Not only Mobile-Friendly….. We designed it Mobile FIRST!! (Mobile is WAY first nowadays, with recent stats showing that mobile is pushing close to 65% of traffic. So we didn’t just make the new Cevado IDX “mobile-friendly” , we designed STARTING with mobile designs, to really transform the user’s experiences on their smartphones and tablets. Then we design the desktop versions, so that each user experience has dedicated and comprehensive design and thought going into it.)

What I am pondering: “My theory in anything you do is to keep exploring, keep digging deeper to find new stuff.” — Blythe Danner